By Mohammed Namudika.
The pandemic level of banditry and kidnapping in the North is a sad state of affairs that has negatively impacted in the interpersonal relationships between the hausas and the fulanis, and which some agent provocateurs have began to exploit in order to further drive a wedge between the two groups that were hereto viewed as one indivisible group.
If care and caution is not taken, the growing schism and antagonism fueled by some young lads on social media that are ignorant of the deep history might lead to a bigger, larger and bloody conflict never seen before in Nigeria.
This assertion is primarily due to the huge population of people from the two tribes in the north.
The enemies, both from within and from without of the North and are envious of the once unbreakable bond existing between the 2 tribes are succeeding in their avowed mission to divide the strong unity of Arewa and the Muslim North.
The end result is that the North would be much easier to divide, conquer and destroy once an internal civil war breaks out between the 2 tribes.
If both groups do not retrace their steps from the brink of precipe … an unmitigated disaster looms on the horizon and every single family in the North is bound to be affected negatively regardless of one’s involvement in the melee or not.
I have seen some young guns, both from the Hausa and Fulani tribes and some having a mixture of the 2 tribes deploying their poisonous pens to fan the embers of disunity and baying for blood.
I have a story to tell them… In the event of a northern civil war breaking out wallahi tallahi they are going to be the first victims to be deleted, and their write-ups that were filled with incitement, hate speech, racism, and bigotry is there to guide history in laying the blame squarely on their shoulders.